Metal ceilings as a niche product
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Metal ceilings as a niche product

March 5, 2024

Metal ceiling constructions — rack, cassette, panel, and cubic-shaped — are actively used in the finishing of commercial real estate. However, in residential spaces, they are used very rarely and only in certain areas. Why metal ceilings are not suitable for every interior, and what characteristics need to be considered when choosing a structure – we will tell you in our article.


Despite the variety of models, metal suspended ceilings are designed and assembled according to a single scheme:

  • A frame made of steel profiles is mounted on the supporting base (ceiling slab + upper part of the walls).
  • Individual components made of thin sheet steel with polymer coating are attached to the frame using locking elements or fasteners (screws).
  • The shape of the components can vary from strips to square panels.
  • As a result, a smooth segmented surface is obtained, divided by joints between ceiling elements. The joints can be either almost imperceptible or quite large.

As for the operational characteristics, they are directly related to the characteristics of the metal from which the ceiling is made. The main ones will be:

  • Strength.
  • Low flammability.
  • High thermal conductivity.
  • Susceptibility to corrosion (especially relevant for structures based on galvanized steel with a damaged protective layer).
  • High sound permeability.

In different situations, these characteristics manifest themselves differently, which largely determines the sphere of application of metal ceiling structures.


The popularity of metal suspended ceilings is primarily due to their excellent operational performance. By choosing metal as the main material for ceiling finishing, we get:

  • A sturdy structure, resistant to deformation. When lamellas are made of quality metal and the frame is correctly calculated, the ceiling does not deform even with a large area of finished surface.
  • A construction with high moisture resistance. Yes, the steel base can rust. But if effective protective polymers are used during the production of rails, panels, or cassettes (a good example can be metal ceilings from the “MehBud” factory), then even in a pool, the ceiling will serve for decades without signs of rust. The same applies to ceilings in food industry premises and laboratories – they withstand regular cleaning perfectly.
  • A fire-resistant structure. This is almost the main advantage of metal ceilings. According to regulations, in public buildings and premises with a large concentration of people, ceilings with a fire hazard class G1 (or more reliable) should be installed. Only metal meets these requirements from mass materials, which is why metal ceiling cassettes are used for suspended system installation.

Another aspect to consider is design. If 10-15 years ago the range of metal panels was limited, today’s technologies allow for the production of elements for ceiling structures with almost any configuration. But even when using standard rails or cassettes, you still have extensive design possibilities: the ceiling can be painted in any color, as well as decorated with decorative coatings – from metallic to the texture of natural wood.

The drawbacks of metal structures are also quite obvious:

  • High price.
  • Demanding quality of installation (otherwise, the structure will deform under its own weight or start to rust in places where the polymer coating is damaged).
  • Poor sound insulation.
  • High thermal conductivity.

It is precisely the balance of pros and cons that determines the sphere of application of metal ceiling structures.


Metal suspended ceilings can be installed:

  • In commercial premises – offices, cafes, bars, restaurants, shopping malls.
  • In public buildings.
  • In common areas of residential apartment buildings – corridors, halls, foyers.
  • In industrial premises – workshops, warehouses, laboratories.

In all these cases, the priority is given to the operational performance of the metal ceiling: strength, corrosion resistance, low flammability. This allows withstanding all loads without consequences for the structure and external appearance. Moreover, when finishing in the commercial sector, the design potential of metal becomes invaluable.


As for the drawbacks, the high price will not be an obstacle here because investments in finishing such premises are usually paid off by profit. Poor sound and heat insulation can be compensated for. The height of ceiling structures allows placing a layer of porous materials behind the finishing, and the costs for thermal and sound insulation are included in the overall budget.

Thus, the main problem becomes the choice of a metal ceiling made from quality raw materials in compliance with standards and finding professional contractors for its installation.


The situation will be somewhat different in residential premises:

  • Firstly, the price of metal ceiling structures for private construction is quite high (and it will not “pay off” due to profit).
  • Secondly, the dimensions of the premises will not allow compensating for the low sound insulation properties and high thermal conductivity of metal. That is, a layer of thermal and sound insulation can be laid behind the ceiling structure, but it will “consume” part of the room’s height.
  • Thirdly, compliance with fire safety regulations in private construction is not so strictly controlled, and these regulations themselves are not so stringent. Therefore, there is no vital need for a homeowner to use a non-combustible material.

Therefore, it can be summarized: yes, the operational characteristics of a metal ceiling are more than good. But for a residential premises, they are excessive – approximately the same result in terms of strength, design, and durability can be achieved using cheaper solutions. Additionally, using metal in finishing implies additional expenses for insulation, which can also be considered a downside.


However, it cannot be said that metal is not used in the finishing of residential buildings. Metal ceilings are mounted on balconies, in bathrooms, and kitchens (rooms with high humidity and temperature fluctuations); also, beam systems are used for finishing verandas, awnings, and terraces.


The MehBud factory offers a wide range of ready solutions for metal ceilings. In this section, we will consider the assortment of ready solutions:

  • Cubic shaped ceiling: This type of ceiling is perfect for creating a modern and stylish room design. It is characterized by geometric shapes and clean lines, creating a striking visual dynamic.
  • Rectangular ceiling: Corresponds to the classic style and can be used in various types of premises. It gives a sense of stability and organization, making it popular in offices and commercial spaces.
  • Cassette ceiling: Consists of metal cassettes that are easy to install and repair. It is ideal for large spaces such as shopping centers or airports, where aesthetics need to be combined with practicality.
  • Rack ceiling: Gives the room a modern and industrial look. It is often used in offices and cafes, where the atmosphere of creativity and openness is important.
  • Panel ceiling: Consists of metal panels that can have different textures and colors. It allows for various design solutions, from classic to modern.
  • Corridor ceiling: Specially designed for use in corridors and passages. It can be a practical and stylish solution for spaces with high traffic.
  • ceiling 1
  • ceiling 2
  • ceiling 3
  • ceiling 4
  • ceiling 5
  • ceiling 6
  • ceiling 7
  • ceiling 8


As you can see, even an extensive list of operational advantages does not make metal ceilings a universal solution suitable for any room. However, the sphere where they can be effectively applied is still quite large. You can assess the pros and cons of such structures and choose the appropriate option for a suspended metal ceiling by consulting with specialists from the MehBud factory.

Иван Жилєнков
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