Choose the optimal software for your construction project.
On the importance and necessity of timely removing protective film from metal. Issues with film removal and ways to resolve them.
Facebook cover. Practical tips for the perfect cover for your page. Correct photo dimensions for a Facebook cover.
Is opting for Ukrainian products a viable choice for implementing large projects? Let's explore in our article.
The Mehbud Plant has prepared a list for you of the top construction exhibitions to visit in 2024.
The emergence of cheap Chinese machines on the market has led to the fact that the production of products began to be set up literally in garages.
The "Exclusive Lego Blinds" model from the Mehbud Factory stands out among the typical blinds-fences. What specifically sets it apart is explained ...
Our role and vision as participants in key events - KyivBuild Ukraine, BUSINESS FORUM, AGRO, architecture and construction festivals.
In this article, we will explore some of the modern trends in the construction industry that have become an integral part of the work of foremen.
Even without special tools, you can assess the quality of galvanization. Want to know how? Read our new article.
Innovative Solution for Cottage Communities and Residential Complexes
We will discuss how COR-TEN steel is produced and where it is used in our article.