Suspended Ceilings for Stores
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Suspended Ceilings for Stores

January 8, 2024

One of the important elements that complement the interior of a store and improve its spatial zoning is the ceiling.

The “Mehbud” factory produces several types of metal suspended ceilings that harmoniously complement any design project.

Apart from thoughtful placement of shelves and partitions, suspended ceilings can help separate the sales area from auxiliary spaces and visually divide the store into zones. This is especially achievable when using different colors and textures applied to the surface of ceiling panels and grids for store suspended ceilings.

Ceiling Finishing Features in Retail Facilities

Stores, boutiques, and supermarkets are diverse establishments with distinct characteristics, yet they share several common traits. Consequently, their finishing requires thoughtful consideration, focusing on practical options that minimize associated expenses.

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When it comes to finishing the ceiling in a store, several objectives need to be addressed:

  • The first objective is to create an aesthetically pleasing space within the premises. Decorating the sales area is one of the most significant aspects that determine the attractiveness of a retail point. Even if you are not aiming for a unique design (for example, if you plan to finish a simple grocery store or a clothing store), it is essential for all surfaces to be neat. As for stores with individual designs (primarily boutiques and retail-exhibition showrooms), there’s no need to elaborate further.
  • The second objective is concealing utilities. To ensure the effective operation of the sales area, wires for lighting and alarms, air ducts, pipes, and sometimes heating/cooling systems may be located beneath the ceiling. All of these elements detract from the overall appearance of the space. Therefore, it is desirable either to relocate them to a technical floor, leaving only lighting fixtures and air intake grilles on the ceiling (which may not always be feasible), or to conceal them behind finishing materials.

The choice of technology for ceiling finishing depends on the solution to these two objectives. As mentioned earlier, suspended ceilings work best in stores, supermarkets, and boutiques. The choice of material for the suspended ceiling system is determined by construction requirements.

Construction Requirements

What are the requirements that a ceiling in a store should meet? By definition, a store is a commercial establishment, a place of common access. Consequently, it must comply with all regulatory requirements for finishing such premises, the main part of which is described in state standards (GOSTs) and construction norms and rules (SNiPs):

  • DSTU B V.1.1-9-2003
  • SNiP 3.04.01-87
  • DBN V.1.1.7-2016, and others.

Summarizing the requirements outlined in these and other documents, the following list can be formulated:

  • Fire Safety: Materials used for ceiling finishing in a store must have minimal flammability, not ignite, and not support combustion. This is why the use of plastic panels and MDF products is not allowed. While they may be cheaper and some may fit the design, the joy will last only until the first visit of the fire inspection.
  • Moisture Resistance: It is needed not only to resist deformation in a humid environment but also to withstand wet cleaning. Of course, walls and floors in stores often require cleaning, but the ceiling also needs periodic treatment to remove dust and dirt. Therefore, the material must withstand washing, even if not very frequent.
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  • Corrosion Resistance: This is directly related to moisture resistance. Even with a functioning ventilation system, humidity in the air will increase in a store with a large number of people. Materials susceptible to corrosion will degrade much faster under these conditions.
  • Adequate Mechanical Strength: The load on the ceiling in a store is usually low (except for situations where advertising banners or navigation elements such as department names are directly attached to the structure). However, both the substructure and the finishing must be sufficiently strong and durable.

In addition to the mandatory requirements, it is worth including aesthetics in the list. In many cases, owners of commercial properties prefer, albeit less practical, but more attractive designs—such as wooden-like cube-shaped ceilings, Grilyato ceilings, or metallic-colored ceiling panels. Using such products allows the implementation of a design project, creating the desired image for the store.

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Panel (Cassette) Suspended Ceiling

For the ceiling space in the product display area, a panel (cassette) ceiling is well-suited.

Advantages of a panel (cassette) ceiling:

  1. Easy Installation: Metal panels are of standard size, typically 600×600 mm, making them easy to install on a standard T-24 framework. If there is a need to access utility connections, the panels can be easily removed.
  2. Structural Strength: Since the cassettes are made of metal, they are much stronger than cheaper alternatives that can break with rough handling.
  3. Originality: The silver color of the panels is versatile and can be paired with almost any wall color. However, you can choose a color according to the RAL standard if desired.
  4. Versatility: Different panel coatings, such as mirrored and matte, can be simultaneously used in the suspended ceiling. This enhances the illumination of the space and diversifies the ceiling pattern. Various types of lighting fixtures that contribute to comfortable lighting and visitor safety in the store can be easily installed in the metal suspended ceiling.
  5. Easy Maintenance: Metal cassettes (panels) and rails are easy to clean and do not retain moisture. Unlike ceilings made of mineral fibers, they will not lose their appearance, and in the event of flooding, the metal suspended ceiling will not collapse, nor will yellow stains appear on the panels.
  6. Fire Safety: These ceilings are made from non-combustible materials, providing additional protection to the building in case of a fire.

Rack Ceiling

This ceiling option involves the use of various-width (150-500 mm) and length (1.0-6.0 m) racks. The variability in color and orientation in the ceiling space allows for creating an original pattern and emphasizing the uniqueness of the design.

In areas of a store where products with strong odors (smoked meats, fish, etc.) are sold, the use of a rack perforated ceiling can be a smart choice.

This type of metal suspended ceiling, manufactured by “Mehbud,” promotes the rapid removal of foreign odors, improved ventilation, and the maintenance of fresh air in the room.

Perforated Rack Ceiling

Perforated metal suspended ceilings:

  • Facilitate accelerated air circulation.
  • Improve the microclimate in the room, reducing the concentration of harmful substances and the likelihood of harmful microorganisms.
  • Different types of perforation in corridor ceilings also enhance the room’s sound-absorbing properties.

All of these factors are essential to consider when planning the ceiling finish in storage areas for food products, including refrigerated rooms.

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Corridor Rack Ceiling

For small rooms with a width of up to 3 meters, using a suspended metal corridor rack ceiling is very convenient. Features of this type of ceiling include:

  • The racks for this type of ceiling are also made of galvanized steel or aluminum, with a thickness of up to 1.0 mm.
  • The mounting system is very simple – panels are laid on brackets fixed along the walls, making installation quick.
  • This type of ceiling can visually expand the space, especially when mirrored racks are used.
  • Different types of perforation in corridor ceilings also enhance the room’s sound-absorbing properties.

Above, we listed the features and advantages of ceiling constructions commonly used in most stores. However, alongside standard ceilings, it’s worth considering unconventional solutions. While implementing these may require greater investment, they can have a more noticeable impact on customers.

Cuboid Ceiling

Cuboid ceilings are suitable for spaces where the design incorporates a “wooden” finish. This is often seen in grocery stores (especially those with organic products), cheese and wine boutiques, high-end clothing stores, trekking and outdoor gear shops.

Cuboid ceilings in stores are an innovative solution that gives a modern and stylish look to the space. Here are some features and benefits of cuboid ceilings:

  • Unique geometric shape: They stand out with their unique geometric shape, drawing attention and adding interest to the store’s interior.
  • Creation of dimensional space: They create a sense of depth and dimension in the room, making it more attractive and spacious.
  • Play of light and shadow: Thanks to the geometric shapes of cuboid ceilings, they create a unique play of light and shadow, adding dynamism and sophistication to the store’s interior.
  • Flexible design: They offer many possibilities for creative design. They can be installed in various configurations and combinations, allowing for unique and original interior solutions.

Using cuboid-shaped profiles with square or rectangular profiles can give the ceiling the desired “three-dimensionality” — the structure looks not flat but rather voluminous. Stylish lighting fixtures can further accentuate the design.

Rectangular Ceiling

Rectangular ceilings are an excellent design choice for stores, offering several design advantages:

  • Sleek and modern appearance: They give the space an elegant and stylish look. Their simple geometric shapes and clear lines create a sense of order and symmetry, adding visual appeal and creating a modern look for the store.
  • Ability to create various compositions: They provide greater flexibility in creating different designer compositions. They can be installed in a grid pattern using different sizes and arrangements of panels, allowing for unique and original ceiling motifs.
  • Accentuation of zones and directions: They can be used to highlight specific areas or directions in the store. They can distinguish the cashier area, display stands, or product groups, helping customers navigate easily and creating an attractive atmosphere.
  • Integration of lighting and technical systems: They offer the possibility to integrate various lighting, acoustic, and ventilation systems. This allows for creating comfortable lighting and maintaining a suitable atmosphere in the store, as well as ensuring the efficient operation of technical systems.
  • Easy installation and maintenance: They are easy to install and maintain. They can be quickly assembled and are easy to keep clean. This saves time and resources, ensuring durability and maintaining the aesthetic appearance of ceilings over an extended period.

Grilyato Ceiling

“Grilyato” ceilings are suitable for two types of commercial spaces:

  1. In large supermarkets, a Grilyato-type ceiling separates the extensive ceiling space from the sales floor.
  2. In smaller shops and boutiques, a Grilyato ceiling complements a “loft” style interior. Such stores may focus on selling electronics, high-tech gadgets, or designer clothing.

Despite their transparency, “Grilyato” ceilings effectively hide the utilities located behind them. When choosing the installation level for such a ceiling, consider this factor as it visually lifts the ceiling.


Other Types of Ceilings for Commercial Spaces

In addition to the previously mentioned ceiling options, there are several other alternatives that can be considered for commercial spaces. While metal suspended systems have a set of characteristics that often align well with the requirements, there are other options that can be explored for cost savings or to realize different design concepts.

  • Armstrong Ceiling: Before the widespread availability of metal cassette ceilings, panel constructions like “Armstrong” were commonly used in commercial properties. Despite the objective shortcomings of fibrous panels (hygroscopicity, susceptibility to deformation, low mechanical strength), they are still used in budget finishing today.
  • Plastic Panel Ceiling: Ceilings made of plastic panels are another budget-friendly option. While this can cover a large area relatively inexpensively, the visual appearance might not be the most attractive. Plastic panels are available with interesting textures, but their overall appearance may not be ideal. Additionally, one significant drawback is the high flammability of PVC panels.

Note: Another type of plastic ceiling is made from polystyrene tiles that are glued directly to the ceiling. However, such a solution is almost never used in commercial and retail spaces due to its high fire risk and impracticality.

  • Stretch Ceiling: The use of stretch fabrics in commercial properties is limited due to the high flammability of most fabrics. However, some types of stretch ceilings have low flammability and high decorative potential. Therefore, this solution can still be considered. The only limitation is mechanical strength; the fabric should be out of reach of customers.
  • Glass Ceiling: A transparent ceiling made of glass panels on an aluminum frame is an excellent solution for stores without any upper-level spaces (including technical floors). Such a structure looks visually appealing but comes with a relatively high installation cost. Additionally, there are often issues with the ceiling’s sealing, and maintenance is required to keep the glass panels clean for optimal appearance.
  • Stucco Ceilings: Stuccoed ceilings, finished with plaster and then painted or whitewashed, used to be the default option, but they have lost their relevance over the past 10-15 years. While you can still find such ceilings in modern stores, they fall behind other solutions in terms of appearance, practicality, and labor intensity. Plastering a large area can often be more expensive than installing a frame and concealing all ceiling defects with finishing.

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of available ceiling solutions for commercial spaces such as stores or supermarkets. However, it provides a clear overview of the assortment and allows for an evaluation of the pros and cons of alternatives to metal suspended ceilings.

Ceilings from mehbud factory for stores

An ideal solution for various sectors, from grocery to jewelry! Our ceilings are easy to install and maintain, ensuring convenience in operation.

Mehbud ceilings are perfect for a variety of stores, including:

  • Grocery Stores: Create a bright and cozy space for your grocery store, emphasizing the freshness and quality of products.
  • Clothing and Footwear: Stylish ceilings will add uniqueness to your clothing or footwear store, setting it apart from competitors.
  • Cosmetics and Perfumery: Specially designed ceilings will highlight the beauty and luxury of your cosmetics store, creating a suitable atmosphere.
  • Jewelry Salons: The lighting and design of Mehbud ceilings will emphasize the sophistication and uniqueness of your jewelry.
  • Bookstores: Create a cozy and intellectual space with ceilings suitable for bookstores.
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Ceilings for stores and supermarkets can take many forms. The choice of a particular solution is determined by the room’s design, its size, and other factors. However, products from the “MehBud” factory are well-suited for such tasks. This is not only due to the extensive assortment and rich selection of colors but also thanks to the high quality of all ceiling finishing elements.

Иван Жилєнков
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